
On The Fly

The PAX gathered at Aberdeen Lake, prepared for a challenging workout led by Rafiki. They kicked off the session with a thorough warm-up to get their bodies ready for the main event. The warm-up consisted of the following exercises, all done in cadence (IC):10 Side Straddle Hops (SSH)
10 Johnny Rockettes
10 Hillbillies
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Seal Clap Hops
The Thang:
After the warm-up, the PAX grabbed two pavers each and moseyed over to the designated picnic area. Rafiki, taking charge as the QIC, came up with the workout “On the Fly,” inspired by his observations and experiences in the F3 community.

Alternating Shoulder Presses and Fly’s: The PAX began with 10 reps of IC Alternating Shoulder Presses using their pavers, followed by 10 reps of IC Fly’s. The focus was on upper body strength and control.

Bear Crawl: After completing the initial set, the PAX put their pavers down and engaged in a challenging bear crawl. They bear crawled 40 feet forward and back, working their arms and core muscles.

Repeat: The PAX picked up their pavers again for another set of 10 reps of IC Fly’s, followed by 10 reps of IC Alternating Shoulder Presses. They maintained their position after the bear crawl, ready for the next set of exercises.

Overhead Press with Paver Ladder Merkins: The PAX performed 10 Overhead Presses with their pavers, followed by ladder merkins. This combination challenged their upper body strength and core stability.

The PAX then dropped their pavers and moseyed 50 yards back and forth before picking up the pavers again for a mosey over a small bridge.
At the next shelter, the PAX completed the following exercises:

20 reps of IC WW2 Sit-ups
20 reps of IC Flutter Kicks
10 Renegade Rows (each side) on your own (OYO)
10 reps of IC Arm Flutter Kicks
10 reps of IC Alternating Shoulder Presses

They then moseyed to the playground for the “Puff Puff Pass” exercise. The PAX formed a circle and performed Puff Puff (2 overhead presses) while the next PAX member performed the pass, a burpee. This exercise focused on teamwork and endurance.
Next, the PAX dropped their pavers at the flags and headed to the next location for an 11s routine. The PAX completed jump and tuck exercises on one end, while lunging walk served as the mode of transportation to the other end for derkins. Due to time constraints, the 11s were not fully completed.
The PAX then headed back to the AO (Area of Operation) for alternating overhead presses and fly’s, targeting their upper body strength once again.

BRR (Blue Ridge Relay) roster and hard commitments were discussed, with sign-ups available through @Rafiki.
Diaper Dads for Smash campaign aimed to raise $1,000 for diapers. Additionally, @Rafiki secured a Monster Truck for the Aberdeen Christmas Parade.
In August, the Piranha AO planned to offer the Q-Source after the Boot

Prayers: Squeegee has been dealing with an injury for the past few months. He was injured again this evening. It maybe a groin.

Moleskin: “On the Fly”
As I stepped into the role of QIC for today’s F3 workout at Aberdeen Lake, it became apparent that plans had taken an unexpected turn. Our dedicated PAX member Tackle Guard was unable to make it out, and I found myself tasked with leading the workout on the fly. This situation reminded me of the beauty of F3 and the lessons we learn through repetition, memory, and the power of observation.

In the early morning Gloom, we often arrive with a blank canvas, uncertain of what lies ahead. We rely on the camaraderie and leadership of our fellow PAX members, drawing inspiration from their example. It is through watching and mimicking others that we learn and grow, embracing the challenge and pushing our limits.

In the spirit of F3, I crafted the workout “On the Fly,” incorporating exercises and routines inspired by the collective experiences shared within the group. It was a testament to the adaptability and resilience we cultivate as F3 men. As the workout unfolded, the PAX displayed their unwavering commitment and willingness to embrace the unexpected.

During moments like these, I am reminded of a powerful stoic quote that resonates with our journey in F3. Although I couldn’t find the exact quote, the essence is clear: we learn and improve by utilizing the knowledge and experiences of those who came before us. Just as a sculptor uses the tools and techniques of others to shape their masterpiece, we draw upon the wisdom and lessons of our fellow PAX to shape ourselves into better versions of who we were yesterday.
“On the Fly” served as a reminder that life doesn’t always go as planned, but our ability to adapt, create, and persevere in the face of uncertainty is what defines us as F3 men. Together, we navigated through the workout, pushing ourselves physically and mentally, and reinforcing the bonds that make our F3 community strong.

As the evening sun settled in the sky and we concluded the workout, the shared sense of accomplishment and camaraderie was palpable. We had come together, embraced the unexpected, and emerged stronger both as individuals and as a group.

So, let us remember the lessons learned “On the Fly” and carry them forward in our daily lives. Let us continue to rely on the power of repetition, memory, and the wisdom of others to propel us forward on our journey of self-improvement. Together, we will face any challenge that comes our way, adapt, and thrive.

SYITG (See You In The Gloom)!
In Aslan’s Paw (Narnia),
QIC, Rafiki!

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