Ruck EventRunning

The Chupacabra is on the Loose!

12 PAX came together to take the DRP (Daily Red Pill) this morning and was invigorated.

The PAX: Flying Tomato, Mandela, Poacher, Neo, Cpt D, Napalm, Tackle Guard, Colt, Flapjack, Rifleman, Josey, YHC & Q, Rafiki!

The Scene: 55, air clean and crisp.

WarmUp: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Merkins

The Thang: Grab a BBC (Big Block Coupon) & LBC (Little Brick Coupon)

Place your coupon in a line by our flags. Go for a light mosey. Upon return grab your LBC. Clean and press 25 each arm.

Friendship run. Grab your LBC for a lap around the park. Upon return plank until the six arrives.

25 curls for the girls.

Murder bunny 5 paces

25 curls for the girls

Murder bunny 5 paces

20 Curls for the girls

Murder bunny 5 paces

Mosey around the park. Return to your BBC.

30 WW2 sit-ups in cadence

Rifle carry your coupon

Shoulder taps

Mosey around the park

Clean and press with LBC

25 Over head press with BBC

10 Blockpees

20 Spider-Man crawls

25 Goblet Squats

Announcements: Q-Source Tuesday morning after Outpost, Mens Fraternity Wednesday morning at PUMC, Chupacabra Flag will be on display at Piranha next Thursday evening. If you can defeat the Piranha PAX in a 2 minute burpee challenge you can keep the flag for one week and post it at any AO. However, the flag must be returned back to Piranha on the following Thursday.

Prayer: Flying Tomato, Mandela and Meat Sweats, The Reiter Family, and others that I failed to remember.


Be Encouraged!

The Chupacabra is much like the Jester mentioned in our virtuous leadership manual. I’ve had points in life where I failed to see those defects of character for the damage that occurred. Due to my own self-centered fear, I relapsed and was unable to control my life. It was completely unmanageable and I couldn’t see it.

I try to be more aware of the Chupacabra that I am capable of being. Flying Tomato said, “it’s you Rafiki, you’re the Chupacabra!” The facts are, I am capable of destroying the lives of those around me and my own. My life is so much better because I am aware that I can be the Chupacabra!

My mom used to say, “you better count your blessings” so today I do. I take a few minutes everyday to write a gratitude list. A few things I’m grateful for:

  1. Grateful for my relationship with God
  2. Grateful for F3 & AA
  3. Grateful that I can be of service
  4. Grateful for the breath in my lungs
  5. Grateful for doctors
  6. Grateful for accountability
  7. Grateful for a job
  8. Grateful for my family
  9. Grateful for Q-Source
  10. Grateful for the mission of change
  11. Grateful for the sad clowns in my circle

I love God, I seek God, and I trust God today!

Simple yet profound. May we all find an attitude that reflects the blessings around us. Sometimes it takes getting outside of yourself to realize how fortunate we really are. May your mission this weekend be: find a sad clown and invigorate him!

May all you HIMs be diligent and vigorous in action!

In Aslans Paw,



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