
Bobby Booshay

A mix of Runners, Bootcampers & Ruckers filled the Ten Pax that took the Daily Red Pill (DRP) this morning and got better for it.

The Pax: (Bootcampers) Squirrel, Meat Sweats, Witch Doctor and Poacher

                 (Ruckers) Vault, Aruba and CPT D

                 (Runners) Quatro, Bourne and Flying Tomato

The Scene: Amazing morning to be out in the Gloom!

The Thang: 200M repeats

Warm up by Box Trot for a mile and then some stretching

  • Run hard for 200 meters (½ the track or 1 curve + 1 straightaway)
  • Recover by walking 200 meters, the rest of the lap
  • Repeato 3 times


  • Run hard for 400 meters (One lap around the track)
  • Recover by walking 200 meters
  • Repeato 3 times
  • Run hard for 800 meters (Two laps around the track)
  • Recover by walking 200 meters

The group ran a total 3.5 miles.

  • Stairs

Cool down was a one lap Box Trot & then plank and stretch it out


Announcements/Prayer requests

  1. Mentorship learning Wednesday Zoom call at 0615-0700. Mentorship Zoom Link
  2. Gumby AO soft launch Thursday at 0530 @ Downtown Park Playground

 Poacher lead us out in prayer


MOLESKINE:  Bobby Booshay

The following is borrowed from F3’s Toucan out of Birmingham.

Remember the time when Bobby Booshay ran da ball to boo jew tom tom by dat Shay Shay gurgle?”  If you’ve not seen “The Waterboy,” you’re a saint. If you have, then question your morals. And if you’ve seen it more than once (like I have), then there may be no hope!  

In this movie about Bobby Boucher is a theme around awkward people that are viewed by society as goofy (Bobby Boucher) or nerdy (Coach Klein) or not perfectly beautiful (Vicki Vallencourt) or handsome (Farmer Fran) and how they have value and purpose that may not be evident on the surface because of how they dress, look or talk.

The quote above is from Farmer Fran, a country speech-slurring, overalls with one strap loose, straw hat-wearing football fan. This quote takes place in the locker room when the team is getting beat at halftime of the Bourbon Bowl. 

Read his quote again. Or watch it here  What in the HAY-YUL is Fran saying? I’m sure it’s important, but NO ONE can understand him! 

Sound familiar? That’s how God’s language and plans can feel for us.  When we’re losing badly, we often don’t understand what God is saying. Not many of God’s locker room speeches come in the form of a burning bush. Plain and simple (pun intended): we often just don’t understand God’s ways. And when we try to interpret them, we don’t like what we think we’re hearing.  And when we don’t understand, what’s next?  Tune Him out and try to fix it ourselves.

When watching “The Waterboy,” I always laugh – but I no longer try to understand what Farmer Fran is saying. And even though I don’t understand him, one thing is clear – he’s excited, he’s passionate, and he loves Bobby and every person in that locker room. And regardless of his unintelligible language, you just KNOW that whatever he is saying is GOOD! 

Man!  When our God can take someone who is not what society considers “cool,” in a movie that will NEVER win an academy award and show us how ANYONE can deliver a divine message and do it in a way that is completely unintelligible, it speaks of one theme: FAITH. We don’t have to understand God and He doesn’t have to send explanations thru a polished educated scholarly friend or pastor. Just believe without understanding and know that the locker room speech is GOOD!  Because here’s what God is saying: “It’s only halftime. And though you may think you’re losing, I promise: We win!”


I’d love to have taken credit for all that or made it better, and I couldn’t.  That made so much sense to me I didn’t want to change a word.  






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