
Dad-ing (Gumby)

Eight Pax, took the Daily Red Pill (DRP) this morning and got better.

The Pax: CPT D, Aruba, Meatsweats, Wrangler, MadBum, Ostertag and Felix (Q: Squirrel)

The Scene: Warming up!!


Cobra to active back bend hold –thumbs up, pinch shoulder blades & pause.  Two breaths here.  Repeato x5.

Low Lunge – Right foot forward, left back.  Left knee to ground. Shoulders stacked above hips & left hip pushing forward.  Arms to goalposts or press on thigh.  Move to runners lunge – Straighten front leg, w/ proud chest hinge forward to feel the hamstring stretch), 5 breaths. <Flapjack>

Lunge Twist – left knee on the ground and right knee at 90 degrees. Palms together & twist to right and look right, keeping palms together.  Left elbow to right knee

Hip rotations – On your butt, right knee forward @ 90, left knee back @ 90. Bend forward with a proud chest. Should feel in right hip.  5 breaths.  <Flapjack>

Good morning Squat – Perform a Good Morning, focusing on a flat back.   Then a low squat. This prepares you, as you age, to safely do your morning constitutional.  – repeat x10.


Standing Forward Bend – Hands on hips, exhaling, bend at the hips to fold forward. Pro Tip – lengthen the front of your torso

Hamstring Stretch – Right foot over left.  Bend at the hips to fold forward. Pro Tip – lengthen the front of your torso.  <Flapjack>


  • Mountain Tops – On your six, knees bent, no slouching, squeeze should blades. Twist and tap ground behind you.
  • Plank
  • Crunch – You know you only have to lift 10 degrees to hit all abdominal walls? Arms reaching up to the sky.  Imagine an orange under your chin.
  • Mountain Top + Boat Up
  • Elbow Plank
  • Super Slow Mountain Climbers
  • Straight Leg Situps – arms come from overhead, then up & raise to the sky


Spinal Twist – Swing your arms left-right as you twist your torso

Standing Spinal TwistHinge at waist, don’t round over.  Hands out to sides, rotate to the left…left hand high, rotate to the right…right had high.  Repeato


Childs Pose Cross body – Walk hands to the left, Four breaths here. << Flapjack 


Tree – Shift weight onto right foot, pressing it firmly onto the ground. Place the sole of the left foot on the ankle (calf option1, inner thigh option 2). Challenge move close your eyes. << Flapjack >>

CALVESDown dog

Mosey over to meet the Stronghold Pax.


Announcements/Prayer requests:

  1. 5 Feb – Roadside cleanup
  2. 12 February – Habitat For Humanity build with the men from Pilgrim’s Progress. Meatsweats will have the details
  3. 16 February — Men’s Fraternity starts. Southern Pines United Methodist church, Wednesday’s 06-0730.  FroYo & Vault have the 4-1-1.
  4. 19 February – Clown Car Convergence as we drive to Albermarle for their workout

Berry asked the Pax to bring up some positive things happening…it’s good to focus on the good, positive things in life!!

CPT D let us out in prayer.


MOLESKINE:  Dad-ing….

I happened to watch some kids the other day walking with their parents.  Every now and again the youngest ones would look up at their mom or dad.  I don’t know if that was out of waiting for a response to a question or love or whatever.  But it gobsmacked me.

Parenting demands that we address three of the greatest philosophical questions: what is the good life?  What does it look like?  And, how do I create it?

We may never figure those questions out before parenting insist that we make it so, for the sake of our children.   Is the good life teaching them how to do more with less?  Maybe it’s living off the land, scratching your way but making it.  Could it be drinking fruity drinks by the pool as you “work”?  The answer is as diverse as there are as many people in the world.

We answer the question by and through our words and deeds in a very long game. 

Here’s one question asked twice.  First put your Mammon (work) hat on, “have I made a lasting impact?”  Now, put your Dad hat on, “have I made a lasting impact?”  

In Mammon, odds are, after you’ve left the company for two-three years people will likely not know your name if it were even to be spoken.  In parenting, your impact will be a lifetime of absolutely knowing who you are, what you have/have not done.  It’s not all sunshine and butterflies.   You WILL have great impact on your child(ren).  The difficult thing is to exert the right kind of impact.

As Dad’s we are the biographers, coaches, cheerleaders, critics, teachers, chefs, photographers, masters, and slaves of our children.  

Our Dad-work serves up the opportunity to show our worst or our best selves in action.  How we “Dad” is by the particular words we find, the touch of our hands, the encouraging look, the goofiness we show, the swerve towards lenience or the defense of principles and standards.  How we lift up, tear down, create sorrow or joy within another human being.  All this is watched through eyes of wonder for a lifetime.  Who we are every day, the specific individuals we will have grown into, will have an unequalled power to exert fantastic influence on our kid’s lives.

Be unafraid yet terrified, exhausted yet exuberant, resentful, captivated and challenged but be forever spared the slightest doubt as to your significance or role on the earth.

You are a Dad!



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