
Merkin Flavored Mayhem

11 PAX followed their feet to the Oupost this morning to get better.

The Pax: Josey, Skyhook, Neo, Goblin, Scout, Flying Tomato, Rip, Mcfly, Colt, Mad Bum

QIC: FroYo

The Thang:

We began with warmups of SSH, goofballs, cotton pickers, arm circles, chinooks, and 2 minutes of alternating high plank and elbow plank.

Mosey to Camelot for the Morning Call, which really whipped everyone into a frenzy of merriment. Then we partnered up and did two sets of 30-60s, first round with cliffhanger merkins and LBCs, second round with booyah merkins and American hammers .

Mosey to court for mucho chesto, some broga, 100 calf raises, followed by the merkin mania routine .

The we turned to face out from the circle, and headed out by the distance of 50 lunges. 10 merkins later , we returned by bear crawl. Ended with mas broga and Planskgiving. Much to be thankful for !

COT with reminder of 100 Moore Men event tonight at SPUMC, arrive at 530 for those with duties . Going to be a great event !

TCLAPS to Skyhook and Goblin today, 2.0s who showed up and got better right there with us .

Moleskin: We get up, we go to work, we go home. You can describe it as simply as you want, and make it sound as plain or as exciting as your current mood dictates , but the truth is that our day to day is anything but dull. Sure, at times we feel like we are in a cycle of round and round with very little luster, BUT when we have our minds rite, we know there is something very DISRUPTIVE about what we do each day. Whatever your hands find to do today, do it as though you are doing it for the Lord, and not for men. Amidst the normal and amidst the mayhem, there is an order. Once you disrupt the status quo of your own mind, the people and happenings of your day take on a new color , and there is joy in doing what your hands find to do: while remembering that the SkyQ , our Heavenly Father, has made us ambassadors of reconciliation in a world that tells us that “this world is all there is.” Remember, there is more going on that what we can see; dull isn’t always dull, and mayhem isn’t always mayhem. Word.

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