
Dr Tabata and the Case of the Disappearing Mumble Chatter

QIC: Bourne

Pax: Hammerhead, Slater (whaaaat?!), Flying Tomato, Squirrel, Colt, Sherpa, Mad Bum, Moneyball, Kaffee, Guinness, Sprocket, Vault, Fro Yo, Sparky, Ostertag, Scout, Rip, Huckleberry, Waldorf, Dos Equis, Bourne
21 PAX posted in the gloom at Stronghold and got better.

Warmup: 1 lap around the block followed by IC CPs, GMs, Monkey Humpers, Imperial Walkers, AC/FJ, SSH (a.k.a. “Waldorfs”, a.k.a. “Thanks, Pepper”)


Tabata 101: 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off of Q’s choice

Exercise 1 – The Merkin

Recovery lap around the block

Exercise 2 – American Hammers

Recovery lap around the block

Exercise 3 – Sqaaaats

Recovery lap around the block

Exercise 4 – LBCs

Recovery lap around the block

The last two minutes were spent in pigeon pose, or something resembling pigeon pose. Well let’s be honest, I’m not sure what the collective pose resembled, but it wasn’t pigeon.

See the source image

Ostertag led the BOM out in prayer.

Moleskin: Tabata is one of those workouts where the first few rounds are so tame, you begin to question if you’ve selected a hard enough workout. But, as the mumble chatter gradually fades and then immediately flatlines by round 6, you know you’re in the middle of something real. It’s a lot like the events and challenges that meet you in life. You start off on fire, all in, unstoppable. Then it gets real, it gets hard, and doubt creeps in. The excuses start … it’s too hard, it’s painful, I just don’t have the time, it’s no longer exciting or new, you might even blame your workout neighbor’s flatulence and quit doing squats.

Whatever it is, excuses are always out there and ready to take root. Resist them. YHC constantly fails and then rebounds with strength through faith and the examples set by this amazing group of men. Never take for granted that each of you makes a difference to those around you. In today’s MOD reading (Exodus 17), the Israelites and Amalekites were in battle…

11 So it came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed. 12 But Moses’ hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.

What seemed like a simple task became a grind, and Moses needed help. Aaron and Hur stepped in. We all have our own “grinds” in life and need a helping hand from time to time. We are in a perpetual battle. Take care of yourself and continue to look out for your fellow pax member and be ready to step in and lend a hand.

Good work today, men!

Bourne sends.

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